Friday 19 December 2014


Music has been the dream of a mind blowing king D marsh.
A motivated artiste from Nigeria who has taken music out of the breath of the country.
He has made beautiful songs that has taken the airwaves all over the country and overseas, songs like;
leg over, level don change, FINE FINE BABE and lots more.

D marsh has shoot some couple of videos that is a popular demand and it has led him to shot another lips wetting video tagged FINE FINE BABE  which is keeping the streets on stand still.
The video was shot in Nigeria and the location is in south south part of the country.

D marsh dream is to promote home made goods and deliver the products to the world.
He travels to different countries, play shows in Europe and the UK.
You have to watch this Dope video FINE FINE BABE a must watch.......

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